All Star Games
1. Invitations will be sent to each team selected to participate around the Christmas to early January time frame. The invitation will include the number of players to send at each position as well as the players top 3 choices for numbers for the game and jersey size. Each team will send a minimum of 2 skaters. Goalies will be invited after the Survey Monkey is completed by all coaches.
ex: Invitation to Team (this team will send 1 goalie, 1 defence and 2 forwards)
Position and players are listed for your team below. Each team will only send the amount of players listed and by position. Please include their top 3 numbers they would like to wear (#2 to #98), as well as the size of jersey they will require. Sizes include youth XL or adult sizes, I suggest going one size bigger than you think based on sizing from last year. The goalies will be getting a goalie cut jersey so please account for a bigger size for your goalie if one is representing your team. Players will wear their own team socks White for Home and Dark for Away.

2. Goalie selections will be conducted via a Survey Monkey and sent to the coaches of the regular season division. The top 3 vote getters will be invited to represent their team.
3. An inviatation will be sent separately for bench staff to coach the games. Host association coaches will coach in games where they have representatives.
4. Age group and category will be divided into 2 groups based on the regular season alignment for purposes of making the teams for the All Star Games. An age group + division (ex U13B) must have a minimum of 10 teams particiapting in the regular season to have an All Star Game for that group.
Ex: U13 C has 11 teams = yes to All Star Game
U13 HL has 8 teams = no to All Star Game
** there may be times we join some categories together to make the numbers of participants work better and allow for an additional game for that age group as well as more players the opportunity to play.
5. All Game lengths will be 15-15-15 with a flood after the second period.
Rosters will consist of 12 Forwards, 6 Defence and 3 Goalies.
6. All players will receive their own jersey to keep.