Hotel Bookings for All Star Games, News (Western Ontario Girls Hockey League)

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Mar 07, 2025 | Aaron Brooks | 433 views
Hotel Bookings for All Star Games
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We have managed to secure some Hotel Blocks in Strathroy and Grand Bend for the night of April 5 for families wishing to save some travel the day of the All Star Games or spend the night should their team be playing April 5 in the Day of Champions.  Additionally April 4 can be added to these blocks upon request.  We are also hoping for an option in London.

Holiday Inn, Strathroy 

Here's the reservation details:
Booking link: WOGHL All Star Games
Group Code: ASG
If the guest prefers making a reservation over the phone, they can call us at 226 242 5190 then press 0 to redirect to the Front Desk Agent. Please provide block code to find your discounted rate.

King $219 + tax and fees with free breakfast
2 Queens $239+ tax and fees with free breakfast

Cristina Alimurung
Sales Manager

226 242 5190|226 503 3650 |

28610 Centre Road, Strathroy, ON, N7G 3H6

Oakwood Inn, Grand Bend

O A K W O O D  R E S O R T  F R O N T  D E S K

P H O N E : 1 - 8 0 0 - 3 8 7 - 2 3 2 4

$159.99+tax and fees

M A K E  S U R E  Y O U  M E N T I O N  Y O U  A R E
W I T H  T H E ‘ W O G H L  A L L  S T A R  G A M E S ’
T O  R E C E I V E  T H E  G R O U P  R A T E !